Seigaku Amato
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Jizo Memorial

Jizo Memorial


3 color relief print Jizo Bodhisattva, hand printed on Kitakata washi paper. In the block below Jizo the name of a friend, family member, pet, or loved one may be written down to commemorate their memory. Jizo Bosatsu, the Earth Store Bodhisattva travels the 6 realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, asuras, and heavenly beings; saving all beings from suffering. Jizo is most often associated with protecting, children, pets, and travelers. This print was created to bring healing, and comfort to all those who have lost a loved one. The name can be written by either yourself, or me. If you choose to have me write it, as an ordained Soto Zen Priest, I can perform a Soto Zen memorial service with each print, should you wish one to be performed. Please let me know in your order.

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